Johnny Chan MIA Since Poker Room Shut Down

I was trying to redeem myself with an interview with the one and only Johnny Chan after the hateful comments that were left on my Jean-Robert interview. But then I started thinking, "Wait a minute Jenny, no need to redeem yourself. They¹re taking the time out of their sad lives to read what you have to say. So you must be saying something right."
I want to say "thanks" to the guy that gave poor Jenny the advice to stick to bathing suits.
Seeing that I still look "ok" in your book, I'm going to do exactly That bathing suits with maybe a few extras. By the way, I've given up smoking and joined Crunch (Fitness).
No, no there won't be any one on one sex education, but let's just say that you won¹t want to miss out.
Your dear Jenny is talking about an upcoming website. That¹s all I¹m going to share for now. Trust meŠyou won¹t be disappointed. I didn¹t take all the advice that was given to me by Rico Suave (you know who you are). Yes, I¹m here to stay and will continue writing my ever so imperfect articles.
Okay WTF am I babbling about and why do these little numbers keep popping up where there are supposed to be apostrophes that drive my editor nuts? Maybe I need money for a new computer....HINT HINT.
Speaking of someone who must need money, or lost money. What happened to Johnny Chan's online poker room that nobody seemed to know he owned?
Johnny abruptly shut down his online poker room at the time I was trying to interview him. I can only assume his five customers got paid since none of them are complaining on any of the posting forums. So why is he hiding?
Now where was I before my ADT kicked in?
Ah yes, my dear friend, Johnny Chan. After that little pep talk to myself, I realized that I still wanted to do an interview with one of my partner¹s in crime from the show ³Next Poker Superstar². Um, easier said then done.
I contacted Chan on his personal cell phone and set up a phone interview for the 26th of July. Unfortunately, things didn¹t go as smoothly as Jenny predicted. As we started the interview, Johnny asked how long it would take. I told him 30 min or so. That¹s when things started going down hill.
He didn¹t have 30 min to give his old pal and asked me to fax the questions over to him. I hesitated at first seeing that fax is not Jenny¹s forte, I¹m more of an email kind of girl. However, I did agree to fax over my questions and continue our long awaited interview in a couple of days. The call from Chan never came and after leaving several messages on his voicemail I realized that I had officially turned into ³Johnny Chan¹s Stalker². I didn¹t become one of those ³binoculars in the window² stalkers, but now that I think of itŠ.I might have if I had his address. My stalking was more ³psycho ex girlfriend² because I was calling him all the time. You would of thought that would of gotten his attention, but it didn¹t. Next thing I know his cell phone is going straight to voicemail. Eek!! Now
This guy has become more elusive than Sarah Palin!!!!
Now I¹m known for going missing in action once in a while, so I decided to
give Chan a few days break from his ever so stalking Jenny. But don¹t worry
all you loyal Chan fans. Jenny¹s still hot on his trail and will hopefully
be delivering an interview to all of you very soon. Until that time comes,
all of my fellow stalkers please tell Johnny to call me.
BTW Chan fans - all five of them - are encouraged to join Wass Poker and take full advantage of their 100 percent signup bonus and excellent guaranteed tournaments. Tell them Jenny sent you.
Jenny Woo, Senior Correspondent