Get a Shot at Dethroning National Heads Up Poker Champ introduces a low $10+1 buy-in Heads Up match to run alongside the $1,000 entry Annie Duke Heads Up Challenge, with Team UB's Annie Duke set to host and play in both buy-in levels.'s Annie Duke Heads Up Challenge returns this Sunday, May 30th at a new time of 14:30 ET, revamped and repositioned as a ‘double header', with two separate events running in tandem, offering two very different buy-in levels, and both to be hosted by the 2010 National Heads Up Poker Champion, Annie Duke.
The 2010 National Heads Up Poker Championship ("NHUPC") final table aired on NBC last Sunday, crowning Team UB's Annie Duke as this year's champion. To mark Duke's history-making victory, UB is making the Annie Duke Heads Up Challenge more accessible to more players with the launch of a $10+1 low buy-in $1K GTD Heads Up tournament that will run at the same time as the $1,000+50 buy-in $64K GTD Heads Up Challenge on Sunday, May 30th.
"We continue to listen to our players, and the addition of the $10 entry Heads Up Challenge alongside the higher limit tournament shifts this event within easy reach of more online players," said UB's Cardroom Consultant Annie Duke. "I'm excited to meet more UB'ers looking to show me their best this weekend."
UB has four special seats reserved for this Sunday's $1000+50 buy-in $64K GTD Heads Up match, and two of them are still up for grabs in a freeroll and a $1 buy-in heads up tourney scheduled on Saturday, May 29th at 13:00 ET. Plus, any player who K.O.'s Duke in the $1K entry Annie Duke Heads Up Challenge, and who made their way into it through one of these special events, will receive an extra $1,000 in Tournament Dollars on top of the bounty prize, a $500+30 seat at the following Sunday's $150K GTD tournament at the leading online poker site.
Miss out on one of these special event seats, and there's still more ways to take a shot at Duke; players can pony up the $1000+50 or try their luck in one of the cheaper qualifiers from as little as $8+.80, which kick off at 10:30 ET every day.
If 14:30 ET on Sunday rolls around, and there's been no joy in the satellites or the $1K is considered too rich, players can look to enter the $10+1 buy-in Heads Up event, which still has a Bounty on Duke's head, awarding a $200+15 tournament entry for the site's regular Sunday $200K GTD at 16:00ET.
Whether players choose the high or low level buy-in, there's no better time to duke it out with the champ, to bank a share of the prize money, and walk away with the ultimate bragging rights that come with sending the 2010 National Heads Up Poker Champion to the rails. Online poker players looking for a piece of the Annie Duke Heads Up action should check the "Events" Tab in the tournament lobby, with qualifiers listed in the "Satellites" Tab.
Visit for full details.
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