Australian, New Zealand Gambling News (July 28, 2010)

Written by:
C Costigan
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The Aussie and Kiwi casino, gambling and sports betting scene shows little sign of slowing down, pending Australian election or not (you can bet on it too). Aussie gaming fans rejoice as PartyGaming release more branded games, and the industry awaits return fire from the land based casino sector as the battle for the gambling and entertainment dollar continues. Media Man and Gambling911, no virgin's to the region, once again do the Asia Pacific... News, PR or shades of grey... readers, er be the judge...

Australian And Kiwi Casino Fans Rejoice With PartyGaming's Sly Rocky Classic...

Aussie's and New Zealanders had reason to cheer last night with a range of PartyGaming casinos releasing the long rumoured Rocky online slot game. It's the original 1976 classic and it must be said that Sylvester Stallone and the Party powers that be have delivered a world class result. The rumour mill says that Party will soon be following up with the Pink Panther themed slot. The 1963 film classic directed by Blake Edwards and co-written by Edwards and Maurice Richlin, is a comedy film, starring David Niven, Peter Sellers, Robert Wagner, Capucine and Claudia Cardinale. Insiders say PartyGaming has done a fine job with it, and be watching Media Man, Noble Casino and Casino Las Vegas for more clues! The tag line..."A Madcap Frolic Of Crime and Fun".

SkyCity Alpine Adventure tournament: New Zealand Poker Tour (NZPT): Student Wins $75k...

With Aussie poker players making up 8 of the 9 places at the final table of this past weekend's poker tournament in Queenstown, it was no surprise to see the winner's cheque going to an Aussie. Julian Cohen, a recent uni grad from Melbourne snatched $75,000 first place prize in the SkyCity Alpine Adventure tournament, part of the New Zealand Poker Tour (NZPT). The only Kiwi to make the final, Emerson Riwi of Rotorua, finished in 6th place, earning over $15k. Rewi is a 35 year old Department of Justice employee. He finished 4th at the 2008 Auckland championships, but this was his biggest payday to date. An original starting field of 119 players battled for a total prize pool of $267,750. 13 countries were represented, including Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, Singapore, United States, Germany, Korea, Macau, Russian Federation, Spain, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates. The big names in the main event didn't last through to the finals. Australian's Tony Hachem and Chris Levick, Singapore's Bryan Huang and New Zealand's Lee Nelson were all out in the early rounds. Simon Watt, who became New Zealand's most famous poker face overnight with his bracelet win in the World Series of Poker, couldn't get past past day 2.

Final Standings And Money:

1. Julian Cohen (Australia) $73,630.00

2. Andrew Watson (Australia) $46,860.00

3. Vesko Zmukic (Australia) $27,440.00

4. Michael Spilkin (Australia) $22,760.00

5. Tim Clarke (Australia) $18,740.00

6. Emerson Rewi (New Zealand) $15,400.00

7. Jason Gray (Australia) $12,720.00

8. John Maklouf (Australia) $10,040.00

9. Bryan Huang (Australia) $8,030.00

GenerationOne Ideas Forum In Sydney; Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest Flys Flag This Week, Mate James Packer Casino King Still Cruising Globe...

Media Man Rounds Up Sydney Community Entrepreneurs To Chip In... In an effort close to our hearts, GenerationOne is to hold their Ideas Forum at Fox. Aussie casino king might be cruising the high sees but the Bondi Beach entrepreneurs connection will be represented well with a Media Man army of social and community entrepreneurs set to hit Fox.  The forum will be broadcast live at approx 1pm. Where: Fox Studios, Moore Park, Sydney, Australia - Thursday 29th July...

Sydney: Star City Casino Gunman Pleads Guilty To Attempted Murder...

A male mongrel has pleaded guilty to the attempted murder of his former girlfriend at Sydney's Star City Casino. Todd Devaney was charged with a range of offences after the shooting of fitness babe and instructor Holly Graham aka "Casino Model" as she was teaching yoga at the casinos gym in May of 2008. The legal eagle courthouse had previously been advised that the model instructor was shot twice...below the ribs and in the hip region. Devaney fled the scene on foot but was arrested a short time later. Star City sports multiple hundreds of videocameras, a powerful "eye in the sky" or two, and dozens of security officers. In Sydney's Downing Centre District Court early today, the gunman pleaded guilty to 4 charges including shooting (with intention to murder) and the possession of 3 firearms, which he was banned from carrying on his person. He is set to be sentenced on 15th September. Ms Graham was in court to witness Devaney plead guilty.

Afterwards she told the press she was pleased with the outcome. "I'm really, really lucky that I've recovered and I just hope that he gets put away for a long time," Ms Graham said. Media Man friends and associates wish Holly well with her ongoing journey.

Crown Casino To Get Celebrity Chef TV Show...

Network Nine Nine has signed last year's MasterChef winner Julie Goodwin for her own show, Home Cooked. Nine is also set to produce Celebrity Chef Live from Melbourne's Crown Casino. Ten is responding with Junior MasterChef, which will screen from mid-October, and MasterChef USA, hosted by Gordon Ramsay. Auditions for the third series of MasterChef Australia are to take place around the country from October. Ten's program manager, Peter Andrews, is confident MasterChef can weather the storm. "We're actually quite flattered that Seven and Nine are jumping on the bandwagon," he said. "I think the audience can smell a copycat program from a mile away so if any of these cooking shows aren't entertaining, the audience will desert them in a flash." Media analyst Steve Allen said Nine and Seven were playing a spoiling game. "Everyone is crowding into the same space and it will be counterproductive in the end," he said. "Nine and Seven want to overcook the cooking genre so that it lowers the ratings for MasterChef in 2011.". Australian casinos are home to some of the world's finest chefs, and Crown Casino and Star City have a foodie casino war on their hands. What network and casino is to get egg on their face remains to be seen.

Shane 888 Warnie Does The Races With Babe Elizabeth Hurley...

The cricket - celeb poker icon just off comparing the Australia VS Pakistan games, accompanied the British babe socialite to the Glorious Goodwood race meet on Tuesday.  Warnie filled the void for Hurley's husband and friend, Arun Nayar who was missing in action from the sexy sporting Sussex. The rumour mill reckon Warnie and his filly for the day might be at least slightly addicted to Twitter (and poker). We understand Warnie made time to place a wager with bookies on the horses. Elizabeth Hurley Twittered "Glorious Goodwood tomorrow...just got some tips from my racing mad shepherd whilst trying on hats." The very friendly couple have been friends for years and occasionally share friendly chats Twitter. Also among Hurley’s Australian Twitter mates are Russell Crowe and Media Man mate Max Markson aka Mr Fame, seems to swap the odd wise crack online, often about food or coffee. Crowe doesn't bet, but Warne more than makes up for the shortfall. The ex spinner is also chummy with Packer and they get spotted together from time to time at casinos and sports fields.

Australian TV Broadcasters To Ramp Up Poker And Gambling Coverage...

Network Ten - One HD, Foxtel and friends have only just scratched the surface of Australian poker and gambling programs such as The Poker Star and World Series of Poker highlights. The Media Man bush telegraph says to perhaps even expect a casino king type program or two, that will cover both only and offline activity.  Broadcasters and sponsors are keen to see plain language warnings on the broadcasts advising punters not to overdo it and "bet with your head, not over it, and set limits". The shows are tipped to cut into air time formally occupied by traditional gambling programming like horse racing. Sky Sports was not commenting. Ten's The 7PM Project mentions poker and casinos from time to time and let's not forget Packer pal David Gyngell, CEO of Nine, a smart cookie by all accounts, is aware of Crown's total entertainment experience, which includes gambling and poker tournaments, including the famed Aussie Millions coming up in January.

Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group To See Kids Skill Games Removed From Pokie Palaces...

He king of poker machines in Victoria has voted to remove children's arcade games that offer prizes such as iPods from its venues nationwide. Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group, a JV between supermarket tsar Woolworths and billionaire poker machine operator Mr Bruce Mathieson, has now confirmed that games offering prizes more valuable than "stuffed toys or chocolate" would be removed for good from all its venues over the next year, or as soon as the games' contracts permit. The decision was made at a board meeting on Friday. A Woolworths spokeswoman, Clare Buchanan, said "We've made a decision that we are going to be removing what's known as tile machines from our venues - the (games with) more high-value prizes but less chance of winning the prize." The games are in roughly 280 of the group's 286 palaces, including the "vast majority" of the 96 or so venues in Victoria. She said it was appropriate to remove them. "We did a bit of research among patrons and these weren't games that we felt were adding any value to the venues," Buchanan said. The move follows Fairfax Media reports that experts believed arcade games with prizes were "grooming" children to gamble.

Boxing: Green VS Brigg's Does Hurricane Type Damage To Boxing Betting In Australia...

The match has done great damage to both Australian boxing and the sports betting elect of such. The day of the "fight" there was a rush across betting agencies for Briggs to be knocked out in the 1st or 2nd round. One agency shortened its odds from $7 early in the day to even money. Others closed the market! Multiple bookies said the activity was odd, with a spokesman for Centrebet going on record..."We've never in the history of boxing seen so much go on a specific decision outcome." Line-betting is enjoying mega popularity with punters and fans. Sport remains the fastest growing sector of the Aussie gambling industry, increasing by 12% last financial year, compared with 1.2% for pokies and 0.5% for horse-racing. In response to the Briggs-Green bout, some betting agencies have advised they will no longer take line bets on boxing fights down under. Boxing can no longer be trusted says Media Man informers. Boxing is more high risk to betting corruption than most other sports. A 1:1 "contest" is easier to rig, as their are less people involved! Word leaked to MM from an Aussie legal eagle report carried by some wires including Fairfax...Team sports are not immune to the ills of line-betting. The common thread in many recent international betting scandals in basketball, soccer and cricket is that they involved large-scale betting on immaterial outcomes, such as the winning margin in a lopsided contest. A classic example is "point shaving" in US basketball; where players or referees influence the winning margin, or "point spread", of a game without affecting the result. Independent Senator Nick Xenophon has called for a ban on sport betting until the federal government establishes regulations. Given the recent Aussie sports scandals "Mr X" has a leg up on the sports gamblers on this matter, even if some of X's proposals relating to gaming and gambling are in "fantasy land", whispered a Media Man staffer.

Australian Music Groups Do U.S Hotel Casinos...

Fresh off U.S performances, The Australian Bee Gees and Air Supply, are both understood to be keen to clock up a few more gigs at American hotels and casinos. Folks, let's be honest... a number of land based casinos are in a better position than many venues to be able to pay good bucks to top notch Australian groups. Music helps get customers into the premises, and some will of course "feel lucky".  Some will be lucky, and some won't... that's the nature of a casino. Punters generally have "more luck" playing games of skill, be it poker or other table games, while slots aka pokies, are basically pure luck, but remain popular with casino punters the world over. 

Media Man Profiles

Australian Casinos



Pink Panther


War Of The Worlds

New Zealand


As always, know the odds, bet with your head, not over it, and have fun. Good luck.

*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. They cover a dozen industry sectors including gaming.

Gambling News

Can I Really Use a Sports Betting App From California?

Contrary to what you may see on search engines, there are currently no sports betting apps available from the great state of California.  There are, however, browser-based websites that can be accessed and bets placed online.
