
What are some of the hottest headlines in the world of poker? Here you will find all the latest juicy stories along with other important news and tournament results. A must read for the poker enthusiast with articles published throughout the day.

Online Poker Bullies Discovered as Part of UNLV Study

Submitted by Jagajeet Chiba on, Jul/23/2008

Poker Players "Hot New Celebrities" for Tabloid Media

One desired to have sex with an underage girl in exchange for a skateboard; Another starred in a freaky foot fetish video with an overage grandma. Another - who is participating in this November's final table of the WSOP - could actually face being arrested during the event as he has an outstanding warrant out of Broward County, Florida for trespassing (and he had just gotten through serving probation for a felony/larceny conviction.

Submitted by C Costigan on, Jul/23/2008

Poker Websites Hit Hard by Check Processing Issues

Submitted by C Costigan on, Jul/23/2008

Poker Show at the Venetian: Doyle, Daniel and More

And to think we thought All In: The Poker Musical was both the beginning and end of poker-themed productions in Las Vegas.

Submitted by Guest on, Jul/21/2008

Poker Dealer Dreamt of Becoming a Hitman

Essam Ahmed Eid, a 53-year-old Egyptian man living in Vegas and dealing poker at the Bellagio, dreamed of becoming a hit man.

Submitted by Payton on, Jul/20/2008

Ylon Schwartz - Poker Player Profile

Submitted by Ace King on, Jul/19/2008

Tiffany Michelle vs. Poker News "Slanderous Accusations...."

Submitted by C Costigan on, Jul/17/2008

Peter Eastgate - Poker Profile: Representing Denmark

For a while there Peter Eastgate held a strong lead but ultimately landed in the 4th place position as he heads into November's 2008 World Series of Poker finale. 

Eastgate's poker profile is a little dull to say the least as he only had $84,346 winnings through his poker career, though that is on the "professional" circuit and Eastgate is known to play well back home.

This 22-year old comes to us from Odense, Denmark where he participated in the 2008 EPT Scandinavian Open (Copenhagen) - Season 4, coming in 32nd. 

Submitted by Ace King on, Jul/15/2008

2008 WSOP Final Table

Who are the nine poker players who will be seated at the 2008 WSOP final table come November?  Let's meet them.

Submitted by Ace King on, Jul/15/2008

Poker Sex Ring Taken Down

A professional poker player from Fairfield, California, USA, has been arrested and charged with running a sex trafficking ring involving underage girls.

Submitted by Thomas Somach on, Jul/15/2008

Barney Frank Vows to Fight on: Says Internet Gambling Bill Will Move Forward

WASHINGTON - Despite a stunning setback in his effort to roll back a ban on Internet gambling, Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., says the issue is not going away.

Submitted by Guest on, Jul/14/2008

World Series of Poker Leader Board (Saturday July 12, 2008)

The 2008 World Series of Poker leader board was changing constantly heading into Saturday night's play.

Submitted by C Costigan on, Jul/12/2008

Avoiding Bad Beats in Online Poker

Submitted by Payton on, Jul/11/2008

Poker Pro Dead

Submitted by Payton on, Jul/11/2008

Crime Scene

This is a crime scene graphic test. 

Submitted by Payton on, Jul/10/2008

Jenny Woo Interviews Poker Source Online's Jay Lakin

As a lot of you know, sweet, outgoing Jenny usually does the Entertainment side of things. However, I had the opportunity to interview Jay Lakin, who gave Jenny a crash course on what¹s been going on in the gaming industry. I hope this interview will help many of you as it has Jenny.

Jenny: You starting, was that something you had in the works for a while or was it something that just fell in your lap?

Submitted by Payton on, Jul/07/2008

Pervy Poker Player Gets Standing Ovation at WSOP

Somach says "Amarillo Slim" is really "Amarillo Slime" after incident with 12 year old granddaughter

Only in Las Vegas!

In a town where gambling, booze and strippers are available 24 hours a day, and the mayor doesn't mind if anyone sees him playing a one-arm bandit, it can be hard to be judgmental of others and their actions.

But a new low, even for a place as tawdry as Sin City, was achieved the other day at the 2008 World Series of Poker (WSOP) when a crowd of poker players and fans gave a standing ovation to a disgraced child molester!

Submitted by Payton on, Jul/07/2008

2008 World Series of Poker Entries Up Over Last Year

Following last year's massive drop in attendance, the 2008 World Series of Poker has witnessed a surge once again, continuing the trend that was in force prior to passage of an online poker prohibition in October 2006.

The top prize at the main event of the World Series of Poker will be $9.12 million this year, and 666 players will get some piece of a $64.3 million prize pool, tournament officials said Sunday.

Submitted by Payton on, Jul/07/2008

Bodog Poker Announces Resizable Tables; Open Beta Testing

Bodog Poker is excited to announce the release of a new and improved, resizable beta client for public testing. Bodog Poker's newest version features full screen mode, resizable tables, embedded chat and game details and on-demand player tools. To test the new release for yourself, visit

Submitted by Payton on, Jun/16/2008

Rocco Mediate is a Poker Player

When asked as a "professional poker player" what his odds might be for winning the 2008 US Open playoff, Rocco Mediate responded that he is not a "professional" but rather an "amateur". He classifies himself as a "single digit poker player" and perhaps it is his experience in the world of poker that helped the 45 year old overcome incredible odds in making it to the playoff against Tiger Woods.

Oddsmakers, in fact, did not even list Mediate among the contenders - instead opting for the "field" category which includes any golfer not specifically assigned odds.

Submitted by Payton on, Jun/16/2008

Big Blinds Online Poker Tournament Strategy

The following is a big blinds online poker tournament strategy offered by a member of the online poker community at Wass Online - Please be sure to visit their online poker room here

Big Blinds online poker tournament strategy:

I always have some issues with my big blinds.

I can really get pissed when I play tournaments and Mr. BIGstack is trying to steal everything I have. So I started some seeking and I have posted here what I have found and what my own opinion about it is. I hope you will all can get some advantage of it.

Well the big blinds.............

Submitted by Payton on, Jun/16/2008

Online Poker Sites

Online Poker Rooms - Endorsed by Gambling911 - Find the best online poker rooms, including top cash bonuses when joining and guaranteed money tournaments.  Many people are becoming wealthy playing online poker, and you could too.

Submitted by C Costigan on, Jun/03/2008

Flush vs. Straight in Texas Holdem Poker

From the Two Plus Two Forums regarding Flush vs.

Submitted by C Costigan on, Apr/15/2007

Poker Affiliate Programs Endorsed by

Below is a complete list of Poker Affiliate Programs endorsed by

Submitted by C Costigan on, Apr/14/2007

Multi-Table Poker Tournament Tips

Multi-Table Poker Tournament Tips

Submitted by C Costigan on, Mar/20/2007

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