“Poker Brat” Phil Hellmuth Meets “Slick Willy”

Written by:
Thomas Somach
Published on:
Phil Hellmuth

In the United States, Presidential candidates, as well as those just thinking about running for President, must be wary of with whom they associate.

And the same, of course, applies to actual Presidents of the United States.

Apparently, though, the credo does not apply to former Presidents.

They are allowed to associate with anyone, it seems, including those who make their living by gambling, an occupation looked down on by many.

It's in that light that champion poker pro Phil "Poker Brat" Hellmuth Jr. has revealed details of an intimate meeting with a former President of the United States!

Writing today on his blog at www.cardplayer.com, Hellmuth for the first time reveals details of his meeting earlier this year with former U.S. President Bill Clinton.

And during that meeting, Hellmuth reveals, he showed a beer can with his picture on it to the ex-President!

Can you say mutual ego trip?

Hellmuth blogged: "On August 12th, my wife and I were invited to Bill Clinton's charity event in Lexington, Kentucky.

"We would spend part of the day at the Lexington Hearing Center with Bill Clinton (and) then head off to Clinton's charity event...

"My wife and I were honored to sit right next to Bill (at) the Gala dinner!

"Here is a link to a pic of Clinton and I as I show him my beer can: http://www.mobypicture.com/user/phil_hellmuth/view/7231283."

The "Poker Brat" and "Slick Willy"--what a combo!

What's next for Phil, tea and crumpets--and a round of hold 'em--with the Queen of England?

By Tom Somach

Gambling911.com Staff Writer

