2010 World Series of Poker 2nd Place Finisher John Racener to get Jail Time

Poker pro John Racener, who was arrested over the weekend in Florida for DUI, will likely have to serve at least 30 days in jail for the offense, Gambling911.com can report in a world exclusive!
The mandatory jail time will be because this is Racener's third DUI arrest in the past five years.
According to the government website operated by the Florida Highway Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, under the section titled Florida DUI and Administrative Suspension Laws, a third conviction for DUI in the State of Florida within a 10-year period mandates a punishment of at least 30 days in jail.
The statute, which can be viewed at http://www.flhsmv.gov/ddl/duilaws.html , reads: "If third conviction within 10 years, mandatory imprisonment of at least 30 days. At least 48 hours of confinement must be consecutive. If third conviction more than 10 years, imprisonment for not more than 12 months."
According to the website, Racener will likely also have the vehicle in which he drove drunk impounded for at least 90 days, and he will likely lose his driver's license for a stunning 10 years!
Regarding impoundment, the website states: "Unless the family of the defendant has no other transportation, first conviction = 10 days; second conviction within 5 years = 30 days; third conviction within 10 years = 90 days. Impoundment or immobilization must not occur concurrently with incarceration. The court may dismiss the order of impoundment of any vehicles that are owned by the defendant if they are operated solely by the employees of the defendant or any business owned by the defendant."
Regarding driver's license revocation, the website states: "First conviction, minimum 180 days revocation, maximum 1 year. Second conviction within 5 years, minimum 5 years revocation. May be eligible for hardship reinstatement after 1 year...Third conviction, within 10 years of the second conviction, minimum 10 years revocation. May be eligible for a hardship reinstatement after 2 years."
As Racener's third DUI, the offense is considered a felony.
The website notes: "Any person convicted of a third DUI within 10 years, or a fourth or subsequent DUI, commits a Third-Degree Felony (with) not more than $5,000 fine and/or 5 years imprisonment."
According to various media outlets in Florida, Racener, 24, of Tampa, Florida, USA, was arrested in Tampa early Saturday morning for DUI.
He spent the night in jail and was released on Sunday after posting a $1,000 bond and declining to allow a blood-alcohol test to be taken.
Racener was previously arrested for DUI in 2005 and 2007.
His rap sheet also includes an arrest for battery in 2009.
Last month, Racener came in second in the World Series of Poker Main Event, finishing behind champion Johnathan Duhamel and collecting $5.5 million.
Earlier this month Racener finished fourth in a major tourney named after Doyle Brunson and earned $242,000.
By Tom Somach
Gambling911.com Staff Writer