8-Year Old Wins Big Dough Playing Online Poker

So goes the argument that children can't find their way onto Internet poker websites.
Politicians have used the "child" excuse for the past 10 years in their woeful efforts to dissuade colleagues in voting for legislation that would legalize online poker.
And we all laughed...
We are still laughing at this little ditty out of India courtesy of PokerNews.com:
If this is true and not as ridiculous as it sounds to us, it could give a new definition to the term Internet young gun. Apparently, an eight-year-old boy in India won half-a-million dollars playing online poker.
According to his mother, Aashish Nanak showed an interest in computers at just three years old. Then he began building his own Web sites at four, and by six was interested in online poker. Aashish's uncle may have had a role in the boy's interest in the game. His uncle created an account for Aashish and the youngster began playing. The family is now in court in New Delhi attempting to get the winnings from the site Aashish was playing on. The site, which is unnamed, refuses to pay out the winnings because of Aashish's age.
Patrick Flanigan, Gambling911.com