Aku Joentausta Leads at EPT Barcelona

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Aku Joentausta Leads at EPT Barcelona

Finnish player Aku Joentausta, who came 14th at EPT Barcelona at the beginning of the season, is chip leader going into Day 3 of EPT9 Berlin with 751,300.

Day 2 started with 478 players and 168 have made it through including tennis legend Boris Becker and Team Pros Liv Boeree, Theo Jorgensen, Alex Kravchenko, Jan Heitmann, Sandra Naujoks and Team Online's Mickey Petersen.

The 912-strong field has made this the second biggest EPT in Germany, generating a €4,423,200 prize pool and €880,000 first prize; 136 players will get paid.

- Source: www.pokerstars.com
