Americas Cardroom to Celebrate Black Friday, Jenny Woo Birth With Quarter Million Giveaway

April 15 is fast approaching and for those in the online poker world, this marks the infamous “Black Friday”, a day in which the US Justice Department unceremoniously shut down three of the biggest US-facing Web card rooms. To mark the occasion, Americas Cardroom is giving away $250,000 as part of a No-Limit Hold’em online poker tournament with the first prize a guaranteed $50,000. will also be marking the occasion with the birth of Lily Woo, who is set to pop out of Senior International Correspondent Jenny Woo’s belly a few days before Black Friday (She couldn’t wait a week or two so we could perform the c-section???). Lily Woo, who will be born 75 percent Redneck (Dad is named “Judd”) and 25 percent Korean, is to be baptized the official “Black Friday Baby” regardless of what day she is actually born, though we are all cheering on an April 15 birthing. Knowing how impatient Jenny is, the odds of this happening are about zilch.
The “Black Friday” celebrations do, on the surface, seem a bit morbid all things considered. Jenny’s reduced workload may have resulted in her becoming more sexually active immediately following the events of April 15.
"April 15th will go down in history as a day that we'll never forget, but this time it'll be because of something incredible," stated Michael Harris, an Americas Cardroom spokesman. "We've been growing our online poker community over the last year by leaps and bounds, and we're excited to celebrate poker freedom with all our players by putting $500,000 on the table over five weekends."
Woo commented from her trailer park home in beautiful Pensacola, Florida: “I just want to be able to drink and smoke cigarettes again.”
The Liberty Quarter Million tournament is part of Liberty Weekends, where $500,000 will be spread out over two big online poker tournaments every weekend between March 31st and April 29th. The Sunday tournaments are Re-Entry tournaments with a 3 hours late registration. That means if a player is eliminated from the tournament while registration is still open, they'll have the option to buy back in as a new player.
On Saturdays at 7:00pm ET, Americas Cardroom hosts a $10,000 GTD with a $50+5 buy-in. On Sundays at 6:00pm ET, the guarantee hits $50,000 and costs just $200+15 to get into. The Sunday events will offer players 10,000 in starting chips.
For those players looking to satellite their way in, on April 13th at 8:00pm ET Americas Cardroom will be hosting a 250 Seat Super Satellite with 250 seats guaranteed for the April 15th Quarter Million Tournament. The 250 Seat Super Satellite will cost only $36+3 to get into.
The $50,000 and $250,000 GTD tournaments offer a familiar blind structure and buy-in to US players who were victimized by Black Friday's events, a signal that Americas Cardroom means business about becoming the #1 destination for online poker in the US.
Liberty Weekends kicks off on Saturday, March 31st, 2012. Full details on Americas Cardroom's satellite structure for all 10 Liberty Weekends tournaments can be found at Americas Cardroom here.
- Jagajeet Chiba,