The Best Poker Player Twitter Page Goes To…

Who is the best poker player on Twitter?
Who makes the most interesting Tweets?
If we at had to decide it, Doyle Brunson would win by a long shot, even if he occasionally takes a few days off while traveling.
And guess what? The poker community agrees....Doyle Brunson is the best on Twitter. features a poll that asks who has the best Tweets and Brunson was well ahead of the pack with Daniel Negreanu coming in second place. The poll, however, was ongoing.
"There is a certain amount of voyeurism that goes into following Doyle Brunson on Twitter," commented reporter Jenny Woo.
Take the last 24 hours as an example.
A Tweeter by the name of I'M A Good Girl wrote to Doyle:
"Every game I win, I put the money up I am trying to buy me and my kids a home. BUT, i have a big problem with ONE area of my game."
Doyle, who can at times be a horny old man, responded: "Are you really a good girl?"
Doyle also tells "good" jokes.
"I know u missed these...Why did the blonde wear condoms on her ears?....So she wouldn't get Hearing Aides."
"Why does a blonde wear green lipstick?....because red means stop."
"The only blonde joke I can remember in this cold...What do you call a blonde with 2 brain cells?....pregnant!"
Doyle's blog is just as enticing. You can read it here weekly at
Doyle Brunson is the face of the uber popular online poker room with the huge free cash bonuses,
Ace King,