Carbon Poker Removes Bad Beat Jackpots: Move is to Improve ‘Healthier Room Ecology’

Written by:
Patrick Flanigan
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Carbon Poker Removes Bad Beat Jackpots

Carbon Poker, and the entire Merge Gaming Network for that matter, has announced they will no longer be offering Bad Beat Jackpots effective once the final BBJ goes off. 

From the Carbon Poker website:

Effective Immediately: This promotion is ending, the next time the Jackpot goes off. All of the tables will shut down automatically within a few minutes for the Jackpot being awarded. We will manually reimburse any BBJ rake paid between the time that the jackpot goes off and when the tables can be shutdown.

The 20% that would normally re-seed the next Jackpot will be spread amongst the players instead, making this ultimate Bad Beat Jackpot even more lucrative for the players involved now.

Members of the popular posting forum reacted swiftly to the move.

One poster had this to offer:

Bad Beat Jackpots are the devil! I stand by this statement now and forever.

‘CarbonRyan’, the company’s official rep on the forum elaborated further regarding the move.

This change is to ensure a healthier poker room ecology, while providing players with a better ring game selection and increased players at the stakes the BBJ tables use to be.

Patrick Flanagan,
