Casey ‘BigDog' Jarzabek Banned From Twitch for Watching Porn During Live Stream

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Nagesh Rath
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Casey ‘BigDog' Jarzabek Banned From Twitch for Watching Porn During Live Stream

( News Wire) - Poker pro Casey “BigDog” Jarzabek was caught with his pants down...literally. Jarzabek was banned from the popular social media streaming site Twitch, then had his account reinstated.  The offense: Watching porn during a live streaming.  Granted he thought his stream was shut off.

The incident occurred early last week and left his couple of thousand viewers dumbfounded. 

He later tweeted:

lolol this just in i twitched while checking out porn without realize it lol. Good times. Its true bigdog likes porn

I mean im sure it doesnt come as a complete shock to most people that I like porn lol. But clearly this was a accident.

His fans quickly launched a campaign to have Jarzabek’s account reinstated. They called it the #FreeBigDog campaign.

It worked. 

He tweeted afterwards.

Thanks to everyone for the support. My ban is now lifted. The moose will be loose soon.

- Nagesh Rath,
