Danish Poker Pro Gus Hansen Loses $1.5 Million: Durrrr Returns to Full Tilt

Gus Hansen, one of Denmark’s most well known poker pros, reportedly dropped around $1.5 million over the weekend.
Hansen, who was recently named an ambassador to the reincarnated Full Tilt Poker website, played a grueling 27 hour session that only turned bad after an apparent “sleep” break.
He came back to the tables at around 7am, this is where his bad day begun. He started to play against “O Fortuna PLS” again at the 2-7 Triple Draw tables and six hours later he had lost $300k.
He then upped the stakes dramatically and headed to the $2k/$4k Fixed Limit Omaha Hi/Lo tables and stayed there for more than 23 hours losing $1.4 million whilst up against “cottonseed1” and “SallyWoo” amongst others.
The player that benefitted most from Hansen over the course of the day was “KPR16” who not only recouped the $200k he lost to his opponent the other day but actually took a lot more. He ended up taking $690k from Hansen though ended the day as the biggest winner for a little less at $649k. “cottonseed1” also benefited very well from Hansen’s misfortune, netting a profit of $413k for the day.
Another of the big losers was one Tom “Durrrr” Dwan, who returned to playing at Full Tilt for the first time since they left the US market in April 2011.
He was the biggest loser of the day Sunday, having to kiss $206.7k good bye.
- Nagesh Rath, Gambling911.com