David Chino Rheem has Been Placed on Probation by Epic Poker League

In more late Friday breaking news, David Chino Rheem has been placed on probation by the Epic Poker League after becoming that tournament’s first ever winner.
Rheem has been implicated in an online poker cheating scandal.
Rheem, a 2008 World Series of Poker Main Event finalist, is being accused of having scammed fellow poker pro Will Molson for $40,000.
"The incident occurred last year at EPT London. My friend brought Chino into our room to hang out and play some online. This was the first time I met him, but obviously I knew about him from all his TV appearances and from seeing him play in big tournaments," Molson writes as he describes the incident further.
"He claimed he needed PokerStars money so he can directly buy into the event and he would swap Full Tilt Poker money in return. He also says that his boy Michael Mizrachi needs the same hook-up, and tells me, after calling him, that I will be getting a transfer from "The Grinder" on Full Tilt Poker for both of them," Molson adds.
Molson inadvertently transferred $40,000 in funds each to Rheem’s and Mizrachi’s PokerStars accounts. Mizrachi claimed later he was not vouching for Rheem and returned his $40K whereas Rheem reportedly went into hiding. Not that Rheem would be very good at playing the game “Hide and Seek” as he turned up – and eventually won – the highly publicized Epic Poker League (EPL) Main Event.
"Grinder ships me back the $40k and says he never agreed to vouch or send for Chino. Chino then becomes very hard to get a hold of and is making all these excuses as to why he hasn't shipped on Full Tilt yet. After weeks and weeks of trying to get my money I finally get a text from him saying 'I'm broke and I can't get you the money'" Molson adds.
A statement was released by EPL:
During the formation of the Epic Poker League, the Standards & Conduct Committee made a policy decision that any personal conduct that occurred prior to the League’s formation would not affect initial eligibility of a league member. The Committee, however, communicated to the League members that subsequent to the start of League play, the Committee would enforce discipline against any League member who violated the League policies, including the Players' Code of Conduct, or the law. As a result of ongoing personal financial obligations incurred prior to the League's formation but impacting the League during the Inaugural Epic Poker League Main Event, the Committee has voted to place David “Chino” Rheem on probation in order to effectively monitor the personal conduct of Mr. Rheem as he works to meet his personal financial obligations as required under the Players' Code of Conduct. Under the integrity and Honor principles of the Player's Code, meeting "financial responsibilities on time and honoring contractual agreements" is required to maintain eligibility. In reaching its decision, the Committee recognized that Mr. Rheem used best efforts and all of the proceeds he personally received from winning the Inaugural Epic Poker League Main Event to partially satisfy outstanding financial obligations.
By order of the Committee, Mr. Rheem must continue to proactively repay his outstanding debts by, from this point forward, using any and all proceeds Mr. Rheem personally receives from personal poker winnings worldwide to satisfy all of his remaining financial obligations in an orderly fashion. In addition, Mr. Rheem must continue to report to the Committee regarding his compliance with the terms of his probation. The probation period will remain in effect until Mr. Rheem has satisfied his pre‐league formation financial obligations. Failure to do so or any subsequent violations of league policies or the law by Mr. Rheem will result in immediate suspension of Mr. Rheem from the League.
- Chris Costigan, Gambling911.com Publisher