Doyle Brunson Takeover
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PR - April 1, 2011, Miami Beach - Respected Professional poker player Doyle Brunson has taken over on April 1, 2011. Having mastered The Twitter, Doyle Brunson has finally conquered another Internet giant, respected gambling informational web site
"Hell, yes! I did it! I know I'm old. Dang it, even Jesus signed my highschool yearbook, but I'm cutting edge all the way when it comes to Internet technology. My online poker room uses all that new fangled series of tubes."
Although Mr. Brunson is not quite sure what to do with his new web site entity, the staff at still have jobs...for now. Doyle's first official action was to promote Jenny Woo to CFO.
Jenny will make a great CFO..."Certifiable Foxy Object!" It's no secret Jenny Woo has a soft spot for Doyle's bald spot. Jenny Woo also voted Doyle Brunson as's Sexiest Poker Player of 2010. "Ha!", Doyle replied, "She obviously has never seen me naked."
Doyle's future plans involve getting a good night's rest, snuggling with Casper, and then maybe slapping writer 'Jagajeet Chiba' around. "I don't like names that sound like they could be foreign cuss words", quipped Brunson.
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