Doyle Brunson Mocks His Colleagues With “World’s Shortest Book” Tweets

Written by:
C Costigan
Published on:
Doyle Brunson

Poker legend Doyle Brunson:  “Lost another 150 followers from retweeting too many Shortest Books. Oh well, I'm going out of town for a couple days so i'll give it a rest” July 26, 2010 12:31:29 PM EDTvia web

RT @DudMcManus: @TexDolly World's Shortest Book: "Name Dropping is Boring" by Phil Hellmuth July 26, 2010 12:11:40 PM EDTvia web



RT @ToddBrunson: Worlds shortest book..My great times in India by @Lara_Miller July 26, 2010 12:08:55 PM EDTvia web



RT @victorcampoy: @TexDolly Worlds Shortest Books "How to Comb Your Hair" By Doyle Brunson July 25, 2010 10:04:16 PM EDTvia web



RT @ball4boston: @texdolly Shortest book "My love for Phil hellmuth's entrance" by Doyle Brunson July 25, 2010 10:03:13 PM EDTvia web



RT @brandon_kyle_25: @TexDolly World's shortest book...How to be a Successful Quarterback in the NFL, by Jamarcus Russell. July 25, 2010 10:02:58 PM EDTvia web



RT @IH8theRIVER: @TexDolly Worlds shortest book: "How to maintain your innocence" by Jenna Jameson July 25, 2010 8:51:56 PM EDTvia web



RT @compncards: @TexDolly World Shortest Book: Abstinence by Wilt Chamberlain July 25, 2010 8:50:51 PM EDTvia web



RT @KevinDimock: @TexDolly World's shortest book "How to become a vegetarian" by @philivey July 25, 2010 6:57:34 PM EDTvia web



RT @joshuacesana: @TexDolly World's shortest books: How to attract women with my new hair, by Abe Mosseri. July 25, 2010 6:57:13 PM EDTvia web



RT @eznewman: @TexDolly World's shortest books: "How To Repel Men" by LeeAnn Tweeden July 25, 2010 3:44:25 PM EDTvia web



RT @JoeJaqi625: @texdolly worlds shortest books.. Poker players better than me, by Phil hellmuth. July 25, 2010 3:42:43 PM EDTvia web



RT @nerio123: @TexDolly World's Shortest Books- "Silent Poker" by Tony G. July 25, 2010 3:42:23 PM EDTvia web



RT @LBDeluxe: @TexDolly worlds shortest books: "How to Dress Like A School Marm by Jennifer "Unabombshell" Tilly July 25, 2010 3:41:42 PM EDTvia web



RT @kashmirpoker: @TexDolly shortest book 'Enjoying Salads' by Greg Raymer July 25, 2010 3:39:48 PM EDTvia web



RT @BlondeButBrainy: @TexDolly Worlds Shortest Book: How to Respect Blondes by Doyle Brunson :-) 4:39 PM Jul 25thvia web



RT @KyllianC: @TexDolly worlds shortest books: "how to play tight poker" by Gus Hanson 11:37 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @RealMikeNoble: @TexDolly: shortest book - paying taxes for dummies by Michael mizrachi 11:36 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @ball4boston: @texdolly shortest book "Born in America" by Barack Obama 11:34 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @mikeallenjr: @texdolly World's shortest book: How to trim your eye brows by antonio esfandiari 11:34 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @jcabiness: @texdolly World's shortest books: How to Handle Rejection From Women by Patrik Antonius. 11:31 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @WesHuett: @TexDolly World's Shortest Book: "Baby Names," By George Foreman 11:30 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @ted_mcgee: @texdolly Shortest book: "Dog training tips" by Michael Vick 10:48 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @xoticxposure: @TexDolly #shortestbookever @theScottynugyen how to not say baby at the poker table.......... 10:47 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @SparkesJ: @TexDolly Shortest book "My WSOP 2010" by Doyle Brunson. 10:46 PM Jul 24thvia web



Help!!!! I can't stop the SB stories. I'm addicted 10:46 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @MDeskaTTU: @texdolly: worlds shortest books... "how i kicked my addiction" by lindsay lohan 10:45 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @TheCircleH: @TexDolly "Annie Duke: Worlds greatest female poker player". By Daniel Negreanu 10:44 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @WineFarts: @TexDolly "Locker Room Harmony" by Terrell Owens. 10:44 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @Craig_Kinney: @TexDolly shortest book "How to treat a lady" by ben roethlisberger 10:43 PM Jul 24thvia web



Shortest book..."How Not To Arouse Men" by Amanda Leatherman 10:42 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @DanaRamoni: @TexDolly #shortestbooks my success as a poker pro, by Jaime Gold 10:39 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @AndrewChampagne: @TexDolly #shortestbooks "How to Pick a Profession Totally Different from your Father's," by @ToddBrunson 10:37 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @Psx120: @TexDolly #shortestbooks "My career as a Laker" by Doyle Brunson. 10:32 PM Jul 24thvia web



RT @BadKarma_: @TexDolly Shorest book "how to pick shirts that make you blend
