Doyle Packs Heat

After seeing all the robberies on TV along with home invasions, I decided to get a concealed weapon permit. I've always kept a pistol in every vehicle I own and that is legal in Nevada. It's also legal to have weapons in your home. With this new permit, it's legal to carry a gun you have qualified with on your person. So my daughter Pam and I sat through a 4 hour class on what you could and could not do with a permit. Then we went shooting. I qualified with a Kimber .45 caliber automatic and a .357 magnum revolver. 53 years ago, I qualified as a marksman with a pistol at Camp Polk, LA. I blacked my bullseye out on my target, close to my shooting ability long ago. Pam also qualified with a revolver.
There is a lot of speculation about what effect the swine flu will have on the World Series of Poker. Hopefully it will be contained by then but it's impossible to not be concerned. Personal hygiene should be observed and if anyone is sick, they should stay away from the crowds.
I'm having some dental implants Tuesday. It's something I am really not looking forward to but I've got a lot of confidence in my dentist and he recommends it. I hope it doesn't knock me out of going to Montana to Todd's poker tournament. If I do get to go, I've got to take my dogs because I don't want to leave them with the house sitter. I need a little rest before the WSOP starts and there is no place like Montana to get away from everything. Louise is still in Hawaii having trouble with her asthma.
My publisher tells me my autobiography will be out in October. I haven't seen the finished book yet, but I have high hopes for it. I'm also putting out a revised Super System. I hear most book sales that pertain to gambling are down but my books are doing well. We also give away a lot of them on special offers at DoylesRoom.
This Twitter craze is something else. My sister called and asked what I was doing. When I told her I was tweeting on Twitter, she told me I was going crazy.