Gets Extreme with $150,000 Points Race in April

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Just when you thought things were intense at with The Brunson 10 and the biggest legend in poker frequenting the tables, things are about to get even more extreme. The only site to bear the legendary Doyle Brunson name is putting $150,000 in additional cash up for grabs through a $150k Extreme Points Race that will award players with free money for earning Frequent Player Points (FPPs).

Throughout the month of April, will hold four separate $25,000 Points Races, each one running about one week long. The top 200 Frequent Player Point earners in each race will share in $25,000. In keeping with the extreme theme, the online poker destination is sweetening the pot with another $50,000.

The first race runs from April 1st through April 9th, the second race kicks off on April 10th runs until the 16th of the month, the third race kicks off on April 17th and continues until April 23rd, and the fourth but not quite final race runs from April 24th until the 30th. Each of the four races features a $25,000 prize pool.

The fifth and final race is an accumulative one based on a multiplier that will help players finish higher. will look at the number of points each player earned during each race and multiply each point by the race number. For example, points earned during week two will be multiplied by two, points earned in week three will be multiplied by three and so on. After all calculations have been made, the top 300 points earners will share in additional $50,000.

For more information on's $150k Extreme Points Race, visit

Online since 2004, DoylesRoom ( is one of two brands in the Doyle Brunson family of gaming sites. Along with DoylesCasino, DoylesRoom provides players from around North America and the world with an online gaming experience like no other. DoylesRoom is famous for providing players with access to unequaled poker promotions, fast action, and countless opportunities to play with Doyle Brunson and other legends of the game. With free poker software, lessons, tournaments, nonstop Sit-and-Go tournaments and ring games available at all limits, DoylesRoom is the preeminent poker destination for real live game play-online or anywhere.

