First Female to Ever Make Battle of Malta Final Table is Finland's Anne Meri
Add Finland’s Anne Meri among poker’s female players to watch as she has landed a spot at the final table of Battle of Malta 2015. She is the first female poker player to do so since the event’s inception four years ago.
The country makeup for this year’s final has five Scandinavians (two Norwegians, one from Denmark and Meri from Finland). What happened to all those Swedes?
The rest of the Final Table is made up of an Italian, Israeli, a Frenchman and Bulgarian.
The BOM2015 Final Table is…
Uri Gilboa: 8,520,000
Henrik Jacobsen: 6,640,000
Dimitar Alexandrov: 6,410,000
Giuseppe Grimaldi: 6,350,000
Hendrik Koops: 5,370,000
Carlo van Ravenswoud: 3,700,000
Anders Gran Kvam: 3,070,000
Paolo Palmieri: 2,520,000
Nicolas Proust: 1,860,000
Anne Meri: 735,000
They'll reconvene downstairs in the cash-game area at 2 pm to see who will be the 2015 Battle of Malta Main Event champion!
- Nagesh Rath,