Full Flush Poker’s Game of Poker Thrones Quest for $100,000 GTD

The Game of Poker Thrones (G.O.P.T.) is an epic promotion at Full Flush Poker running now through until the G.O.P.T. $100,000 Guaranteed, on Sunday, January 4th, 2015 at 5pm ET.
It’s loaded with all the excitement and dynastic struggles inspired by its namesake smash-hit TV series, throwing up three treacherous Satellite ‘Roads’, plus one super easy one, under the royal banner of four different noble houses, each with varying levels of risk attached.
House 1 (the Starks) presents Satellites that are 10-person tournaments, with low to moderate buy-ins, between $1 and $15. This is considered the easiest and most budget-friendly way to earn a ‘Swordsman’ (treasure), which can be used as entry into the G.O.P.T. $100K GTD.
House 2 (the Targaryens) Satellites are 6-Max events, with the same buy-ins as House 1, but a slightly different prize structure, awarding fewer Swordsman treasures and less Satellite Rebuys, making it slightly more of a challenge.
The House 3 (the Lannisters) Satellites will throw you into the fray in the Battle of Blackwater, the Purple Wedding, and the Battle of the Red Viper versus the Mountain. These are Heads Up tournaments with higher buy-ins between $15 and $45. While this is the toughest path to choose, facing ‘the enemy’ in a head-to-head crusade will be great preparation for the obstacles and adversities that players may encounter in the defining clash, the GOPT $100K GTD Main Event.
The fourth House of Baratheon represents those who travel through life on ‘easy street’ and will choose to skip the Steps, preferring to buy-in directly to the G.O.P.T. $100K GTD. Players can also skip Steps within a specific House, and switch Houses along the way. Extra ‘Swordsmen’ earned can be used for Rebuys and Add-ons in the main event.
All four roads have an ultimate purpose, leading to the ‘holy grail’ of the promotion – the Quest for The G.O.P.T. $100,000 GTD ($90+$9.00 Buy-in) on Sunday, January 4, 2015 at 5pm ET. That’s 1000 ‘Benjamins’ up for grabs, so come on…kickstart your New Year’s bankroll at Full Flush Poker!
Players, choose your ‘House’ and your Battles’ wisely at Full Flush Poker in this monumental clash of the poker warlords! Satellite buy-ins are available from as little as $1.00, and can be found in the Sit ‘n’ Go section of the Full Flush Tournament Lobby.