High Stakes Online Poker: Isildur1 Wins $785K
Popular high stakes online poker player, Isildur1, has beaten Cole South out of a whopping $785K.
From HighStakesDB.com:
Isildur1 continues to put in an amazing number of hands these days, and just now he concluded a 2393 hand battle of PLO with Cole South. They started out playing a $100/$200 but ended, not unexpectedly, playing $300/$600 after going through all the stakes in-between. An interesting piece of trivia is that they played at 49 different tables during this session, something that must be some sort of a record.
There has been a heated rivalry between both players in recent months.
Elsewhere, Tom Durrrr Dwan's has pushed his winnings for 2010 up to $1.7 million after a strong showing this past weekend.
Patrick Flanagan, Gambling911.com