High Stakes Online Poker News: Isildur1 Wins, Loses Big in Single Day

High stakes online poker phenom Viktor “Isildur1” Blom managed to win big and lose big, all in the course of one day. Unfortunately, his losses were greater than his winnings.
PokerStars was abuzz on Wednesday, with usual suspect Viktor “Isildur1” Blom generating a substantial amount of PLO action in the morning as well as night. Unfortunately, his day was a tale of two sessions, which were night and day, yielding radically different results to say the least.
The first was a solid session of $25/50 PLO that saw the Swede taking home almost $172,000 in 3,564 hands. The second was a short shellacking at the hands of Rui ‘PepperoniF Cao, who bested the swinger by an astounding $201,448 in only 1,026 hands.
- Ace King, Gambling911.com