High Stakes Poker Games Targets of Robbers
Texas poker games have become targets of robbers in Texas....but these are not the sharpest tools in the shed it seems.
You might recall how a pair of old geezers managed to stop robbers from getting away with cash stolen from a Texas card game a few weeks back. Now comes word of another robbery, this one also foiled by players and cops.
PocketFives.com reported on the Houston area robbery:
It's about 3am and i'm up about 300 when one of the guys that was smoking outside(who is definitely not in on it) comes back in with 3guys behind him wearing masks. One has a fkn assault rifle and the other a pistol pointed at the table. "Everyone get your hands and heads on the table". "Mother fker" I say to myself as i'm complying. The game was soo good. I had my leather jacket over my lap and i shake it off and kick it to the ground under the table just hoping they wouldn't find the $800 i had in it.
The robbers stole the car of one of the players, making it easier for them to be tracked down by law enforcement. Eventually they were caught and the money was recovered.
Pokerati.com also reports of another robbery at a high stakes poker game in Austin.
This game had reportedly about $25k on the table, and unlike recent robberies outside of Dallas and in Houston, the armed bandits got away without being arrested or killed.
So could these crooks be getting smarter?
While the country has endured a deep recession over the past year, the crime rate nationwide actually dropped during the first half of 2009. Statistics have yet to be released on any increased crime rates heading into the holiday season, though these recent poker game robberies do offer an ominous sign.
Ace King, Gambling911.com