Horsing Around at the Poker Tables: Stickyrice a ‘Head Case’?

The video has since gone private but the folks from Reddit and FSPoker.com are still talking about the “horseplay” at this weekend’s LA Poker Classic held at the Bike Casino.
A poker pro who goes by the name “Stickyrice” showed up at the tables wearing a horse head mask.
“Stickyrice” claim to fame came when he ran a single buy-in up to $40k on Twitch for all the poker world to see during this past holiday season. Now, as F4Poker notes, he appears to be taking his shtick on the road.
While there are some who clearly found humor in the antics of “Stickyrice”, the vast majority of those appearing on Reddit felt he made an ass out of himself more than anything else. Some went as far as to suggest he might end up ruining the game of poker.
One Reddit member wrote:
I understand that for the internet it's fun to watch and I even chuckled a little when the camera first showed the horse head, but I'm going to be f***ing pissed and insta tilted if next time I go to the Bike or Hollywood Park, there's like 5-6 dudes with horse heads on.
- Nagesh Rath, Gambling911.com