How To Play - 5 Card Draw Online

Learning how to play 5 Card Draw online is easy. In fact, it is usually the first poker game people learn how to play.
This game can have a maximum of 8 players. Each player is dealt five cards face down.
Firstly, the two players to left of the dealer must make forced bets, which are known as ‘blinds'.
The player directly left of the dealer must make a ‘small blind'. This is then followed by the next player to the left making a ‘big blind' which must be double the amount of the ‘small blind'. The minimum bet than can now be made is equal to the amount of the ‘big blind'.
The players are then dealt their five cards, face down. From here on commences two consecutive betting rounds. At this point each player has three options. They can either:
Fold their hand
Call the big blind (bet and equal amount to the big blind)
Raise (bet higher than the big blind)
After all players have made their choice, those remaining in the game have a chance to change their hand. Each player still in the game can replace up to five cards with the dealer if they choose. If a player wants to keep all five of their original cards they are well within the rules.
The second betting round now commences with all remaining players making their second bets, which leads to the final showdown.
All the cards are now revealed, the player with the best hand takes the pot.
Further Rules for 5 Card Draw online include: The decision is made before hand whether the Joker is live. If the Jokers are being used they can only be used as Aces and also to complete a Flush, a Straight or a Straight Flush. If the joker is used to make a Flush is must be the highest card in that Flush. The best hand you can have is five Aces (Four Aces and a Joker)
Now that you have some idea how to play 5 Card Draw Online, be sure to open an account with Wass Poker where you can hone your skills and play in real live tournaments.
Ace King,