Huffington Post: The Poker Player Who Wants to Save the World

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This week, the Huffington Post interviews one of poker’s top female players, someone they describe as a “palpable aura of charisma and self-assurance with a sense of genuine niceness”. 

Their headline reads “The Poker Player Who Wants to Save the World”.

The female poker pro being interviewed is none other than Liv Boree.

Ms. Boree founded Raising for Effective Giving (REG), an organization that encourages poker players to give a portion of their winnings to the most effective charities.

Effective altruism is all about finding the best methods to do the most good. There are many major problems in the world that cause suffering, but unfortunately only finite resources (such as time and money) to try and solve them. Therefore it’s vitally important to figure out which interventions will have the biggest positive impact with our resources.

This means that we have to be very scientific, open and unbiased in our research to find out what those best interventions are.

There are a number of research organisations within the effective altruism community dedicated to figuring out which interventions/charities are the most effective.

Since establishing the organization two years ago Boree says REG has raised over $1.5 million for charities.

You can read more of the interview with Liv Boree here

- Nagesh Rath,
