Joe Hachem World Series of Poker Televised Tirade

During the televised coverage of the World Series of Poker Main Event Tuesday night Joe Hachem was, let's just say, not on his best behavior. Let's see - He's a past WSOP Champion, an ambassador for PokerStars, and one of the highest profile WSOP Champs of all time (especially in Australia). You'd think between his agent, his wife, his kids, or at least the folks from PokerStars would have kindly asked that he demonstrate the same cheery (Pass the Sugar!) demeanor that we saw in 2005 when he took down the Championship.
Just a few weeks ago, reported a story on Scotty Nguyen and his embarrassing display at the 50K HORSE event where he was visibly drunk and acting with disrespect to the other players and the wait staff.
Now yesterday, we got see a clearly bitter Hachem berate opponents, telling one guy he was going to "bust his ass back to the UK", which was totally unprovoked. After catching his own miracle cards to chip up and remain in the tournament, he was hyper critical whenever he was the victim of a suck out. Muttering under his breath, stammering, and walking away from the table to cry on his wife's shoulder, Hachem was a very poor sport for sure.
It's likely that Hachem was upset from the apparent "target" that winds up on the back of every other WSOP Champ that plays in these events. Essentially it's the result of many unknown players that gun for the prior Champs and other pros. Regardless, it was a piss poor display from Hachem and a surprising turn for the worse for Hachem. I mean, wasn't he a nice guy in 2005 when he won? What happened to this guy? While no one can be expected to take the good beats with the bad and remain a stone, Hachem and his attitude should perhaps check the ego at the door during his next big event.