Joint Hearing to Discuss Legalized Online Poker in PA: Could Cannibalize Casinos

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A bill filed March 6 and referred to the Senate Community, Economic And Recreational Development Committee was part of Tuesday's 2 pm EST joint hearing along with the House Gaming Oversight Committee on the viability of legalized online poker and casino games in the state of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania could become the fourth state to legalize the activity after Nevada, Delaware and New Jersey.  Only New Jersey has realized success with its online poker and casino industry to date.

Tuesday's hearing represents the first time the joint bodies will be meeting to discuss the topic.

The new Senate bill, SB 477 would legalized and regulate online gambling, daily fantasy sports.

Fears addressed included everything from the idea that online gambling could cannibalize the land-based casinos as well as an imposed tax.

Opponents also questioned whether revenues would meet expectations.

- Ace King,
