Jon Kyl: Lack of Law Enforcement Activity Made "Illegal" Online Poker Appear Low Priority
In a strongly worded letter to the Department of Justice sent out this past week, one of legalized Internet gambling’s biggest opponents, outgoing Arizona Republican Senator Jon Kyl, appeared to be questioning the delay behind indictments issued April 15 against three of the world’s largest online poker rooms.
Kyl wrote:
“[A] lack of activity from law enforcement led to a significant and growing perception that operating internet poker and other internet gambling did not violate US laws, or at least that the Department of Justice thought that the case was uncertain enough that it chose not to pursue enforcement actions”.
Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, who has been behind efforts to legalize online poker, co-authored the letter.
His stance is such that he believes efforts by states and those put forth by the District of Columbia should be aggressively halted by the US Federal Government.
He wrote: “Activity over the Internet inherently crosses state lines, implicating federal anti-gambling laws such as the Wire Act.”
Reid has been trying to get federal legislation passed while Kyl appeared to be supportive of a recent measure put forth by fellow Republican Joe Barton of Texas.
- Chris Costigan, Publisher