Kyl-Reid Internet Poker Bill Looks Dead Despite Enough Republican Votes

A controversial US federal Internet poker bill drafted by Senators Harry Reid (D-Nevada) and Jon Kyl (R-Arizona) appears to be going nowhere as Reid issued a pessimistic statement late Tuesday.
The Las Vegas Review Journal reported that Reid did not believe there was enough time left in the lame duck session to get such legislation passed.
The Senate Majority Leader’s assertion comes as Senator Dean Heller (R-Nevada) claims there were enough Republican votes to get the measure passed.
"Senator Heller believes there are sufficient Republican votes, and Senator Kyl agrees," Heller spokeswoman Chandler Smith said.
Reid, however, does not see any possible “must pass” companion legislation in which he can attach his bill and the prospects of a "stand alone" piece of legislation remain highly unlikely.
"Everyone, listen to this," Reid told reporters on Tuesday. "We suddenly have Republican votes on Internet poker, two weeks before Christmas. Without being vulgar, what the hell would I put it on?"
Nevada casinos are pushing to have online poker legalized at the federal level with the Silver State positioned to become a Web poker hub. State lotteries and Tribal casinos oppose the bill in its current form.
- Chris Costigan, Publisher