LockOps May Tease: Battle Tested Lock Poker Pro Takes Down Irish Open

Written by:
Ace King
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LockOps May Tease:  Battle Tested Lock Poker Pro Takes Down Irish Open

So the folks from Lock Poker, one of the most popular online poker rooms on the planet, advised Gambling911.com Tuesday morning to watch for an upcoming event exclusively on their site.

Immediate details were not known but we anticipate having them shortly, however, a graphic features a military man preparing for battle with two weapons in hand and the event name “LockOps”. The participation period will be May 6-20, 2012.  The limited information was found on the Lock Poker Twitter page, which some sites like Gambling911.com were retweeting. 

Our immediate guess is that Lock Poker will be featuring some type of tournament or contest platform and, knowing Lock as we do, the prize will be substantial so (hint, hint) JOIN NOW.  Players across the globe are welcome.  Lock is part of an online poker network that is on the verge of becoming the 7th largest on the planet and by far the biggest in North America. 

The battle theme seems apropos considering one of the Lock Pros just won this week’s much ballyhooed Irish Open poker tournament.

Kevin Vandersmissen walked away with the €420,000 first prize late Monday. 

Won the Irish open!!! Ooooohyeaaaah. In the middle of Festung insanely drunk rightnow! Thx for all the support!!

- Ace King, Gambling911.com
