Most Top Poker Players Studying AI Claims One Pro
In an interview with, poker pro Issac Haxton claimed that most of his fellow pros have been studying Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a means of working to improve their own games. Scroll Down...
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There is another useful reason for analyzing the functions of AI and poker: Bot prevention.
"You can quantify how close to perfect the heads-up limit hold’em AIs are and they are so close to perfect that in a lifetime of playing against it you wouldn’t be able to observe the difference between what it is doing and literal perfection," Haxton stated. "When it comes to no-limit hold’em, it’s not quite solved to that extent. But if you have a bot that can beat the best humans that might not be solved, but it’s an important development for poker in general and especially for the game of heads-up no-limit.
Early last year, an AI developed by Carnegie Mellon professor Tuomas Sandholm demolished four top poker pros and won $800,000 in doing so.
"If you took the best bot a few years ago that could hold its own at mid-stakes, but now the best bot in the world could beat most humans, it’s really important for sites to ensure people are playing against other people. Beyond the online world, I think the power of AI in poker is becoming more apparent in live tournaments as well.
"Most of the top poker players are studying AI to work on their games at this point. I think that’s just going to become truer going forward. That doesn’t mean the end of poker or anything like that. The best AIs beat humans in chess, and chess is still a healthy and thriving game. Humans are studying AI to improve at it, same goes for backgammon, apparently GO now as well. I think it’s the future of game playing. Computers are going to be better than people at most games pretty soon. Mastering a game is going to be in large part about learning from those computers as effectively as you can."
- Ace King,