Online Poker Cash Games in Italy Provide a Boost to Many Sites

Online poker cash games in Italy likely to promote tremendous boost to economy and to companies doing business there. Siti di poker online in Italia - Siti di Poker Cash
News this week that online poker cash games will be permitted in Italy have provided added excitement to the industry. is already the world’s 6th largest online poker room and counted separate from the main site, which is ranked the largest in the world.
Commenting on the launch, Jim Ryan and Norbert Teufelberger, Co-CEOs of said:
"We are delighted to have been one of the first operators to launch these new services. Cash game poker is by far the most popular format and through our excellent software, we can now provide Italian customers with the very best in both tournaments and cash games and look forward to consolidating our already strong presence in the Italian market where, according to AAMS data, the Group's poker brands command over 16% combined market share. The launch of our casino offer in Italy should provide an exciting new revenue stream for us, and we look forward to leveraging our strong market position in other products over the coming months."
Italy is now considered the biggest online gambling market in all of Europe after years of government prohibition. The amount bet has gone from €3.4 billion in 2009 to €4.8 billion in 2010. The introduction of online poker cash games to Italy will likely see those numbers triple.
Italy’s online poker sites are currently charging 20 percent tax on gross revenue.
- Aaron Goldstein,