Online Poker High Stakes Bloodbath
Million dollar swings, both wins and losses. It's such a rush for high stakes online poker players the likes of Tom Durrrr Dwan and Cole South among others.
South was on the losing end of that swing as reported by
This week, two members of the young, rich and undeniably talented set of nosebleed-stakes players endured such bankroll fluctuations, Tom "durrrr" Dwan continuing his rebound with a million-dollar win, and Cole South's first-quarter winning streak coming to an abrupt halt with a million-dollar loss. It was also a nasty week for South's CardRunners colleague Brian Townsend, who dropped over $750,000 as well as Marcello "luckexpress10" Marigliano, who suffered a single-day loss of $451,000.
South had previously been the biggest winner of the year in high stakes online poker games coming into March with a $3.5 million profit. Durrrr, on the other hand, had incurred significant losses coming into the new year.
Ilari "Ziigmund" Sahamies is another of the big name high stakes online poker players. He was a recipient of $500,000, or half of South's losses. Durrrr collected the other half.
Patrick Flanigan,