Online Poker Phenom Isildur1 Closes in on $2 Million in Just Over Week

One of online poker’s most famous young players, Viktor “Isildur” Blom, has won over $1.5 million in just over a week.
Following last week’s $1 million in winnings, Isildur1 took in another $548.1 million yesterday playing against another notable online poker, Tom “Durrrr” Dwan.
Blom had sought sweet revenge for a defeat Sunday at the hands of Dwan. highlighted one of the biggest pots of the day:
Isildur1 flops two pair and improves on the turn to top two. durrrr also catches a little piece of the flop and improves on the turn to two pair. Isildur1 however is always ahead as a raising war ensues on the turn, resulting in Isildur1 taking down this $197.2k pot.
Both players flop a flush draw, with durrrr's being slightly higher. However, Isildur1's flopped top pair is good enough to take down this all-in on the turn $120.5k pot.
Speaking of Tom Dwan, he and Brian Hastings have finally announced the continuation of the so-called “Durrrr Challenge”, which has become more like the “Zzzz Challenge” as these series of un-eventful showdowns have been anticlimactic for the most part, dragging on the last few years.
This particular head-to-head online matchup has taken more than two years to resume.
Cates tweeted: “well that was fast… but I think @TomDwan and I will get a good game soon.”
Cates had publicly called Dwan out via the social media tool Twitter for failing to resume the challenge, in which Cates was leading.
- Ace King,