Phil Ivey Wins Second Million

It's been reported that at the conclusion of the Full Tilt Poker "Million Dollar Cash Game", Phil Ivey has walked away a winner. Again. For the second year in a row. Before the online chorus of "it's rigged" begins, remember that this is a live game. Filmed over the course of two days in London, many of the games biggest names sat down for this ultra high-stakes poker game.
Included in the mix were regulars like Ivey, Chris Ferguson, and John Juanda. Also joining were Patrik Antonius, Tom "durrrr" Dwan, and the always entertaining Mike "The Mouth" Matusow. Let's not forget that in a bid to get even more television time the lovable (not) Phil Helmuth showed up as well.
Helmuth also left before the taping was complete after his A-J was stomped on by Ivey and his pocket 8's. After a flop of Jack-Ten-Nine and a bet and call from Ivey, the turn brought the Seven of clubs. All of the chips got in the pot and Ivey walked away the winner with the turned straight. At this point Helmuth stormed off stage with his usual verbal barrage of "F" bombs and other mumblings under his breath. Time to take a break Phil.
Unfortunately the show is not currently set to air in the US but it will be broadcast on Sky Sports in early 2009.