Play Loses $400,000 During Month of July at Full Tilt Poker

Thus far, Mike "The Mouth" Matusow's losing streak has continued into the month of August where he is down $40K in just four days at online poker room Full Tilt Poker. But that is just a drop in the bucket compared to his previous month's losses.
He lost a whopping $400,000 in July!
To most observers, it would have seemed that Matusow was on a great upswing. However, things apparently spun out of control after his 30th place finish at the Main Event, sending him off on hyper tilt. After going bust holding A J to his opponents A 9, Mike turned to his long time mistress for comfort. Her name is Full Tilt Poker and Mike has managed to lose just over 400K in the month of July according to our sources. Do the math and it's pretty scary, a little over 10K a day is how much Mike has dropped on the virtual felt.
Now to be fair, Matusow has won a few big pots on Full Tilt as well over the past year, but nothing comes close to these horrendous losses.
His overall career tournament winnings to date were somewhere around $6,800,000. Online poker play is not calculated into this figure.
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Ace King,