Playing With Fire: Dozens of Credit Cards Compromised at ICE Gambling Event

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Jagajeet Chiba
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Playing With Fire: Dozens of Credit Cards Compromised at ICE Online Gambling Eve

Dozens of attendees at this month’s ICE online gambling event in London, England have reported that their credit cards had been compromised.

ICE, or International Casino Exhibition, is one of the largest and most comprehensive b2b gaming exhibitions held during the year.  The 2013 event took place February 5 thru 7.

The cards were reportedly compromised via smartphone usage at the event itself.

Attendees reported suspicious charges they themselves did not attempt. 

“ readers should be advised to never enter their credit card information into a smartphone while this technology is still in its infancy and those who do so are playing with fire,” warned G911 Security Specialist Payton O’Brien.  "Also, when attending these types of hedonistic gatherings, one should try to carry themselves in such a way that eliminates the 'target' factor if at all possible.  In other words, do not act like a sloppy drunk in public.

"It's not exactly prudent to enter one's credit card information into a smartphone in this day and age.  You might as well just write your credit card number on the stall door of the public bathroom and sign it 'Rob Me, I'm a sloppy drunk attending ICE with the same 500 sloppy drunks who attended last year and the year before that'. Oh, and don't forget to write down your PIN and social security number."

Ms. O’Brien also advises those who have been compromised to change their passwords.

“Don't be a moron and use portions of your social security number or date of birth as part of a password,” she suggests. “Also it is not wise to advertise on Facebook you will be in attendance at these target events.”

In many cases, attendees will not realize their credit cards have been compromised for several days after having attended the ICE event.

“Monitor your card statements daily!” O’Brien exclaimed. 

- Jagajeet Chiba,

