Poker Babe Anna Benson to be on ‘Dr. Phil’: Attacked Ex With Gun, Baton

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Nagesh Rath
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Poker Babe Anna Benson to be on ‘Dr. Phil’:  Attacked Ex With Gun, Baton

Set your VCRs, DVRs or just plain stay home Wednesday afternoon (November 27, 2013) as the one and only Anna Benson is slated to appear on “Dr. Phil”.

You might recall this poker babe plead guilty to attacking her ex-husband, former Major League Baseball player Kris Benson, during a brazen home invasion. 

Here is a quick recap of what transpired that evening:

Ms. Benson reportedly entered Kris’ home dressed entirely in black and wearing a bulletproof vest.  She also pulled a gun from her while carrying a metal baton in her other hand.

In a 911 recording, the former baseball player appears to be calm.

‘She told me to go get a lighter for her to smoke a cigarette,' Mr Benson said in the 911 call, which was released by TMZ.

'When I left the room, I just did a beeline for the basement.'

As the operator tells him to stay on the line, Mr Benson can be heard saying: 'I just got my hand on the back door in case I hear her coming down the stairs.'

He eventually escaped and hid in a neighbor’s garden until police arrived on the scene.

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Benson once expressed outrage over a piece referenced on the website that appeared on poker blog describing the one-time model and poker/sports babe as a “meanie” and “trashy hot publicity whore”.

"WickedChopsPoker are nobodies, the site is garbage. is a respected website," Anna vociferated at the time.

Fox Sports was able to preview the upcoming episode before the teaser was yanked off of YouTube.

“I'm the most famous wife in sports history since Marylin Monroe,” she declares during the interview with her world famous Southern twang. 

Other quotes:  "I had several knives, it was all just thrown around in my purse."

And this doozy:

"I was actually laying on the bed thinking we were going to have sex."

Check your local listings for when “Dr. Phil” comes on. 

- Nagesh Rath,
