Poker Face: Vanessa Rousso The Next Lady Gaga (Video)

Poker pro Vanessa Rousso is going from poker to pop it appears. One of the game’s top female players and a pro (not to mention a big fan favorite), Rousso recently expressed her love for music and her desire to enter the recording industry.
“Why not check out taking online classes in music?” Rousso said in a recent interview. “I did my research and found out that Berkley was the best school for contemporary music.
“The first program I took was in song writing and music theory. And I realized when I was submitting my assignments and stuff I had kind of a talent. The other classmates seemed to really like my music. People often would say ‘I could hear that on the radio’.
“It’s very challenging to make music. It can take 60 to 180 hours of work just to make one two to three minute song.”
Check out the video below.
- Patrick Flanagan,