Poker Poker Tournaments Heat Up MidAtlantic

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Last week wanted to warm up those affected by the snowstorms. In the mid Atlantic states. They performed special tournaments for those players called Blizzard Free rolls which caught the attention of thousands of players. Plus they began the industries first massive free roll madness event. The first event, which took place on Valentine's Day, was the beginning of Poker Host's FREEROLL MADNESS that will be held once a month with 10 Free rolls: A free roll each hour!
William Murillo Poker Host GM spoke in regards about these new projects: "The idea of these new promotions is to provide our customers, free poker games online that offer you real rewards. Our Blizzard free rolls were a nice activity for our poker players to cope with spare time while they were trapped in their homes "Our poker free rolls are the perfect way for all players who want to learn how multi-table tournaments work while using play poker money without risking a penny! Keep on the lookout frothier Madness of March FREEROLL MADNESS which will begin on march 26th and end on April 6th, so you can enjoy the NCAA tournament and play poker at the same time, be a part of the madness at
