Poker Icon Nolan Dalla Goes Off the Deep End

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Nagesh Rath
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Poker Icon Nolan Dalla Goes Off the Deep End

Nolan Dalla went off the deep end this week and the reason: Dan Colman.

Dalla questioned how a young man who has won over $21 million in the past few months could be so down on poker.

“Dan Colman has said poker is wrong, it’s self-destructive,” Dalla says.

And he’s right.

After winning the Big One for One Drop poker event and the $15,306,668 that went with it, Colman showed little in the way of any enthusiasm.  Later Colman told the media he did not want to promote poker because “most people lose”.

Not Colman, he went on to win two more tournaments and over $2 million more.

“This (poker) has provided a person who’s 23-years-old with a chance to be here….I have never heard of this guy… and he’s winning $21 million dollars.  That’s more than the NFL, NHL, NBA, Major League Baseball, $21 million in, what, 4 months, and he is saying poker is bad?”

Dalla goes off in the video below (scroll down).

- Nagesh Rath,
