Poker Legend Doyle Brunson Voted For John McCain

After playing coy all through the U.S. Presidential campaign regarding who he was supporting, poker legend Doyle "Texas Dolly" Brunson has finally come clean.
He has admitted he voted for John McCain for President.
And despite that vote-and the outcome of the election-the talkative Texan says he's nevertheless impressed with Barack Obama, who just topped McCain in a landslide.
And not because Obama is a poker player (McCain favors craps).
Writing on his blog at Doyles Room, Brunson proclaims: "The election is finally over and I'm glad. Martin Luther King said that someday, men would be judged by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin.
"Looks like that day has come, with Obama being our first African-American President. I voted for McCain because of some personal beliefs, but now that America has spoken, Obama is my President and I'll support him in any way that I can.
"I can only hope he will be able to turn our country around. President Obama is one of the best speakers I've ever heard."
Well, he's not the President yet, Doyle.
He's the President-elect.
But you should know that. After all, Texans know a thing or two about U.S. Presidents.
Three of the last eight Presidents were from Texas (Lyndon Johnson, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush).
Thomas Somach,