Poker Players Alliance Pleased With Christie Conditional Okay of Gambling Bill
The Poker Players Alliance (PPA), the leading poker grassroots advocacy group with more than one million members nationwide, commended New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for his decision to establish New Jersey as a leader in online gaming. Governor Christie expressed his support for online gambling legislation, AB 2578, but through a conditional veto outlined a series of amendments the legislature will need to approve before the bill can become law.
“Today, Governor Christie took a critical step toward re-building New Jersey’s economy and establishing strong standards so that Internet gaming will be enjoyed responsibly,” said John Pappas, executive director of the PPA. “While the New Jersey legislature has some work to do before this bill becomes law, we believe this is a victory for New Jersey residents who reached out to the Governor in droves expressing support for this bill. Now, New Jersey is well positioned to serve as a leader in the innovative Internet gambling market and can pave the way for other states to adapt similar structures moving forward. We urge the legislature to act swiftly to pass this important legislation.”
Atlantic City, which has long been known as the east coast hub for gambling and entertainment, has steadily been declining in the face of fierce competition from neighboring states. Just recently, the state’s annual casino revenue was surpassed by Pennsylvania. Under this bill, the regulated online gambling market in New Jersey is expected to add $210 million and $250 million in gross revenue for the state and up to 1,900 jobs for New Jersey residents.
“The Governor’s decision today is a testament to the thousands of New Jersey residents who wrote, called and tweeted the Governor to urge his support of a safe, fair environment for players to enjoy the game of poker online,” said PPA’s State Director, Anthony Salerno, a police Captain who resides in Howell, NJ. “Now, the state of New Jersey is poised to protect residents from fraudulent non-regulated providers and ensure the underaged and problem gamblers cannot access internet gambling websites, while also providing much-needed investment back into Atlantic City Casinos to breathe life back into our great state.”