Poker Players Comment on GOP Platform: Demand Protection of Individual Rights

Over 160 poker players from across the nation have posted comments urging the Republican Party to protect individuals' freedom to play poker online. Members of the Poker Players Alliance, the leading poker grassroots advocacy group of over one million members, believe any language in the Republican Platform restricting an individual's right to play poker online violates these principles of individual freedom and personal responsibility - long held tenets of the Republican Party.
The Republican Platform Committee's website continues to be open for public comment on what should and should not be included in the 2008 GOP Platform. Poker players nationwide have posted their comments, unanimously urging the Republican Party to protect their rights to play poker online. There have been no calls by the public for including language banning the game.
"My point is simple. Is the Republican Party no longer the party of personal freedom and individual responsibility? Why has this party, that used to protect my rights, now become the party that wants to create a Nanny-state? Stay away from issues of personal liberty, except to remove old laws that restrict these liberties," posted professional poker player and 2004 World Series of Poker champion Greg Raymer.
Other comments include:
"As a lifelong republican I believe in personal responsibility. Choosing to gamble on the internet should be a personal choice not a decision the government makes for us. In 2004 the party platform took the position that government should ban internet gambling. I enjoy playing poker on the internet and if the party platform were to advocate banning internet gambling this election season I would seriously consider voting for Obama." - Gerald, Jacksonville, FL
"I am a long time supporter of conservative views. I support the right of mature adult citizens to continue my freedoms to exercise free choice in how I spend my time and recreational moneys [sic]. I support the right to participate in and play poker. I object to the reduction in my personal freedoms so someone can push his/her morale agenda. My country asked me to participate in the struggle to protect our freedoms so I became a part of the military service and fought in Viet Nam and was honorably discharged. Why are the few pushing so hard to reduce the freedoms of so many adults who want to play poker." - Marion, Greenville, MS
"I have been a Reagan Republican since 1980 because I believed in the platform of the Republican Party. However, the party of Ronald Reagan is no longer the party that I believe in for the following reason. Let me say first, I believe in family values, protecting the unborn, religious freedom, etc.... However I have been quite unhappy with the Republican Party since the passage of UIGEA in 2006. It is another infringement upon our personal freedoms which we have enjoyed for 200 plus years." - James, Parma, OH
"I have never been a single issue voter but if the Republican Party continues its opposition to the regulation of online gambling, I will vote for someone other than Senator McCain. Clearly regulation and taxation is the correct position on this issue." - Tim, Dexter, MI
The PPA encourages all who want their right to play poker online protected to make their voices heard by commenting on the Republican Platform.