Poker Pro Fedor Holz to Invest in eSports Organization Team Envy
With Fedor Holz announcing his retirement from the world of poker at the ripe old age of 24, he’s now revealed the intention of diving head first into another venture, the world of eSports.
Holz, of Germany, will be investing an undisclosed amount of money into the Team Envy organization (sometimes referred to as Team EnvyUs or “Boys in Blue”).
"I like to invest in things that I'm emotionally connected to it, because I feel that I contribute the most but I also get the most out of it," Holz told ESPN, noting that he is not just a fan of eSports but also follows Team Envy closely.
Any why not?
Team Envy finished second twice two consecutive years in COD at the MLG Pro Circuit - National Championship in 2008 and 2009.
Holz has enjoyed a highly successful poker career, winning just shy of $27 million on the live circuit and an unknown amount online and ranks number one on the all-time German player list.
Of course he has plenty of time to reconsider coming out of retirement, say within the next 50 years, should his most recent investment fail.
- Ace King,