Poker Pro Harry Demetriou Storms out of Full Tilt Poker Hearing

A hearing scheduled for Tuesday to determine the fate of Full Tilt Poker turned into a bit of a fiasco with poker pro Harry Demetriou expressing outrage and storming out.
The British poker pro took issue with the Alderney Gambling Control Commission offering to hold the remainder of the hearing in private to review Full Tilt Poker’s application to have the hearing postponed to a later date.
“What about the interest of the players?” he asked the Commission. Demetriou called Full Tilt Poker “corrupt”.
The room then erupted with applause.
The AGCC yanked Full Tilt Poker’s license on June 29 after the company failed to pay back US players since April 15. The United States Justice Department indicted FTP owners for bank fraud and money laundering.
The AGCC was to determine whether or not they would reinstate the Full Tilt Poker license.
FTP attorneys claimed that a public hearing would potentially impede progress in ongoing discussions with potential investors.
- Chris Costigan, Publisher