Poker Refugees Service Seeks to Relocate Displaced Pros

Written by:
Patrick Flanigan
Published on:
Poker Refugees

We at love it and there is a need for it after Fail Tilt Poker (errr Full Tilt Poker) shut down to US players April 15. 

It’s called the Poker Refugees program and its available to those poker pros looking to relocate and continue playing online since the field is limited in the US currently. 

PocketFives devised the nifty concept. 


Kristin Wilson is the brains behind Poker Refugees and makes her home in Costa Rica. She holds an MBA and, since 2005, has helped hundreds of people relocate, retire, and start businesses in Central America. She’s been in the online poker industry for the last decade and has specialized in Costa Rican leasing for the last three years. If you have any doubts about her credentials, know that she is a member of the Costa Rica Global Association of Realtors, which is recognized by the USA’s National Association of Realtors.

Rather than tackle a complex move by yourself, let Poker Refugees do the legwork for you. If you go it alone, you’ll be saddled with tasks like deciphering complex government forms for visas and real estate transactions. You’ll probably pay more than you need to for local services and might have difficulty finding trustworthy and capable local lawyers, accountants, and medical professionals.

Instead of spending time doing what you’re good at – grinding online – you’ll have to tackle all of the tasks that Poker Refugees could be doing for you. Remember, any time you move to a new country, there’s a steep learning curve. In the process, you run the risk of getting scammed, moving into an unsafe neighborhood, and being left with unreliable internet. Not so with Poker Refugees!

With our service, you’ll get one point of contact, everything you need to get on PokerStars and other non-U.S. sites, bank account assistance, direct access to experts with decades of combined real estate and relocation experience, and, perhaps most importantly, someone to guide you every step of the way.

The country offerings for now include Costa Rica, home to the largest online gambling business community in the Americas, Panama and Canada. 

“You’ll need to relocate successfully and not, a la Dan jungleman12 Cates, be turned back at the border,” the website states, referencing Cates being turned away at the Canadian border recently. 

Poker refugees are presumably a little wealthier than say your typical displaced war evacuee.  Hence the cost: $1,000 for an individual, with all services provided.  Roomies get a discount at $750 per person.  The fee for an entire family is $1,500. 

- Patrick Flanagan,
