PokerStars Down: Site Crashes, Players Panic

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It was worse than a magnitude 8.9 earthquake for many in the online poker community.  PokerStars went down around 8:30 pm EST Monday night, freezing on those in the middle of MTT and cash games.  Mass panic ensued.  The site averages some 25,000 cash players per week with a 24 hour peak closer to 48,000.

Within a half hour of the crash, some 3500 people had viewed a thread on the popular posting forum inquiring what had occurred. 

“It’s a testament to just how popular this online poker room is,” noted Ace King, poker writer for the website.

By around 9:05 pm EST, the PokerStars site was back up but play had not yet resumed at the tournaments.

Administrator: All tournaments have been paused while we attempt to resolve the issue affecting gameplay. Tournaments will resume as soon as possible. When we are ready to resume, we will post a 5-minute warning before doing so.

Many players expressed concern over how much money might have been lost since the site froze during tournament play for many.

“Still BS, lost some money I should have won,” noted one player.

It remains to be seen as to whether Stars will compensate affected players, and it appears there were many.

- Payton O’Brien, Senior Editor

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