PokerStars Takes Legal Action Against Poker Table Ratings
PokerStars, the world’s largest online poker room for real money play, has reportedly filed a legal action against the website
Stars is claiming infringement of intellectual property rights and breaching the terms and conditions of the site, as a result of PTR’s alleged data mining activities, according to the site
Poker Table Ratings sells statistical data on individual poker players including the style of play and win/loss rates. The site also engages in the sale of players hand histories.
The words come from Lee Jones, poker author and Head of Home Games at PokerStars. This is the first public confirmation from anyone at PokerStars that legal action has begun. It follows “considerable effort to track down the companies and individuals associated with PTR.”
Ironically, trademark infringement cases have been the basis of US Government domain seizures in recent months. PokerStars lost its own .com domain exactly one year ago following a US Government indictment against the firm, charging two of its executives with money laundering and bank fraud.
- Ace King,